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Horn Group   ( Visit Website )

Independent Digital Communications agency, with expertise in digital media, specializing in Public Relations, Interactive Design, and Social Media strategies for technology companies.

Horn Group has a history in public relations, social media strategies and an impressive portfolio of interactive services. Horn Group is an independent firm with boutique quality results and global agency resources. We have built up our expertise in digital media, communications, Web 2.0 and consumer sectors. We help companies build new categories, lead conversations and grow into market leaders. We launch notable social communities, grown site rankings for some of the hottest destinations on the Web, and introduced the first interactive advertising marketplace. We are the experts in what people see, read and hear that influences their behavior, attitudes and buying decisions.

Products & Services

  • Public Relations
  • Interactive Design
  • Social Media
Horn Group
612 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
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July 05, 2010 11:52:29 PM